Unemployment has a devastating effect on individuals well being, both pecuniary and non pecuniary. To solve this issue it is necessary a person should possess different skills along with the formal education. Skills and knowledge development are the driving forces behind the financial growth and community development of any country. Skill building is a powerful tool to empower individuals and improve their social acceptance. Considering the importance of skill development, IFED on a priority basis is working on its different programs.

In Skill Development, IFED is planning to start the following project

  1. Setup 03 Cutting & Tailoring Centers across Kashmir

Beneficiary: Trainees from Needy & Underprivileged Families.


  • 150 trainees per Year.

Sr. No

Expenditure on account of heads mentioned below:

Amount Required

(In Lac.)



Salary of 03 Trainers

02.52 Lac

03 Teachers for one year


Rent For Space

1.80 Lac


Cost for Purchase of Tailoring Machines

03.00 Lac

50 Sewing Machines One Time Investment


Cost for Purchase of Tailoring & Cutting Equipments

1.50 Lac

(Scissors, Iron, Scales, Rollers, Screw Drivers, Measuring tapes, Needles, Chalks etc)


Furniture & Fixtures

1.20 Lac

(Chair, Table, matting Etc).



1.0 Lac

(Water, Electricity, Maintenance)

Total Amount:

11.02 Lac  (Rupees Eleven Lac and  Two  Thousand Only)

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