Distributed stationary and helped students under Scholarship/ Educational help initiative Helped patients and ill persons under Medical help Initiative Distributed household Goods among needy persons under Relief help Initiative Helped a few brides and grooms under the Marriage help initiative. Distributed clothes among needy under cloth help initiative. Conducted online classes of Religion, philosophy, Renowned…
Educational Tour Relief and Household goods distribution. Scholarship Medical Aid Marriage help Online classes Stationary distribution Clothes Distribution.
There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up. This month IFED contributed a little by distributing cloths ,free books , stationary and household goods to the needy people. We provided scholarship to students and had counseling sessions with boys and girls. Stay connected with IFED and help us…
The month of December has been exciting for IFED because we were able to execute our educational tour, initiate a book donation drive and continue working to support people in need.